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32 years old Germany Essen

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ID: 1392414
Last seen: Yesterday
Alina 32 years old Germany Essen, European bride profile, step2love.com

Status: ❤️❤️❤️when will you finally be ready?

Looking for:

I'm a long-legged brunette with a beautiful athletic body 🏋️‍♀️. An active lifestyle and sports help me maintain excellent physical shape 🏃‍♀️. I love taking care of myself 💇‍♀️ and always strive for perfection, both in appearance and in my personal life 🌟. In my free time, I enjoy traveling, discovering new places and cultures ✈️🌍. My friends appreciate me for my positive attitude 😊 and ability to support me in difficult times 🤗. I believe that life should be filled with bright impressions and unforgettable moments 🌅✨.

About me:

I'm looking for a man who shares my interests and values. The following qualities are important to me: Active lifestyle 🏋️‍♂️🏃‍♂️ - a man who loves sports and takes care of his health. Positive attitude 😊 - an optimist who knows how to see the good in any situation. Love of travel ✈️🌍 - a person open to the world, striving for new experiences and discoveries. Care and support 🤗 is a reliable partner who is always ready to lend a shoulder in difficult times. Ambitious and striving for excellence 🌟 - a man who is not afraid to set high goals and achieve them. I'm looking for a person with whom I can share bright moments and build a happy future.

Qualities that I appreciate in people the most:

Honesty 🤝 - sincerity and truthfulness in communication. Kindness ❤️ is the ability to show care and compassion to others. Optimism 😊 is the ability to maintain a positive attitude even in difficult times. Responsibility ✅ - reliability and ability to fulfill promises. Openness to new things 🌍 - desire to learn and develop, interest in new ideas and experiences. The ability to listen 👂 is an attentive and respectful attitude towards the opinions of others. A sense of humor 😂 is the ability to enjoy life and see the funny in everyday situations.

My goals for the future:

Maintain excellent physical shape 🏋️‍♀️ - continue to exercise and lead an active lifestyle. Develop your career 💼 - reach new heights in your professional activities and learn new skills. Travel the world 🌍✈️ - discover new countries and cultures, expand your horizons. Self-development 📚 - constantly learn, develop your personal and professional qualities. Create a strong family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 - find a partner with whom you can build a happy future and share joyful moments. Help others 🤗 - participate in charity projects and provide support to those who need it. Live life to the fullest 🌟 - enjoy every moment, strive for bright impressions and unforgettable events.

I spend a lot of time thinking about (or my dream is):

The future 🌟 - achieving your goals and dreams.

My favorite movies, books, music, shows:

Movies 🎬: "Interstellar" 🌌 "The Great Gatsby" 🎩 "The Matrix" 💊 Books 📚: "The Master and Margarita" Mikhail Bulgakov 🐈‍⬛ "1984" George Orwell 🕵️‍♂️ "Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell 🍃 Music 🎶: Classical music 🎻 Rock 🤘 Pop 🎤

My favorite food:

Sushi 🍣 - fresh rolls and nigiri. Pasta 🍝 - especially with seafood or carbonara sauce. Pizza 🍕 - with different toppings, especially margarita and pepperoni. Shish kebab 🍢 - juicy meat cooked on the grill. Chocolate 🍫 - any shape and type, from bars to desserts.

My hobbies and what I'm good at:

Baking 🍰: I create delicious desserts and experiment with new recipes. Sports 💪: I am actively involved in fitness and yoga, I like to keep myself in shape. Music 🎶: I sing and enjoy musical discoveries. Yoga 🧘‍♀️: I practice yoga to maintain physical and mental balance.

Talking about sports:

When it comes to sports 🏋️‍♀️, for me it’s not just physical activity, but a way to express myself and maintain energy 💪. Sport helps me stay in good shape and brings me joy from achieving new goals 🥇. This is the perfect way to combine pleasure with health benefits 🌟!

The five things I can't live without:

My morning coffee ☕ – It kick-starts my day and gets me going. Music 🎶 – Whether I'm working, relaxing, or exercising, it’s my constant companion. My dog 🐕 – Their loyalty and affection are irreplaceable. Yoga mat 🧘‍♀️ – It’s essential for my workouts and meditation. Fresh ingredients for baking 🍰 – They make my passion for pastry come alive.

You should message me if:

You’re into outdoor adventures and want to talk about hiking or nature 🌲. You’ve got a great book or podcast recommendation 📚🎧. You enjoy discussing health and fitness trends 🥗. You’re a fan of singing and want to share music experiences 🎤. You have any creative project or passion and want to brainstorm ideas 💡.

