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48 years old Ukraine Kirovograd

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ID: 103254
Last seen: Few months ago
Nataliya 48 years old Ukraine Kirovograd, European bride profile, step2love.com

Looking for:

i want to find a loving, caring, intellectual man with good sense of humor. i want him to bring me a thin thread of love from which we will make a big clew of happiness. i want to feel as a real woman in your strong and reliable arms. find me and you will never let me go…

About me:

i am a creative person. i am a pretty, honest and bright woman. i am very sensitive, talented and unique. ive got well-developed sense of taste, style and humor. in a future you will see that i am very communicative, intelligent, kind, merry and romantic. i love to sew nice clothes and make people happy. i enjoy reading russian classical literature and spending time outside while doing bbqs