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41 years old Ukraine Lvov

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ID: 997639
Last seen: Last month
Oksana 41 years old Ukraine Lvov, European bride profile, step2love.com

Status: I believe that a single mother is not a SENTENCE ... and that there are still men in the world for whom a strange child is not an obstacle to building relationships, but rather a gift of fate ...

Looking for:

I am here to find a man who, firstly, does not mind that I have a child, and secondly, who sincerely wants to know not all my external beauty, but to know me inside my soul and character.

About me:

I studied at the college of tourism and now I work as a guide in the Carpathian mountains, and the same ones I teach people to ski and snowboard ... the season here begins in winter. I have a daughter she is 5 years old she lives with my parents in Lviv I often visit them especially in summer days. I've been divorced for 4 years out of wedlock. my hobby, as you already understood, is skiing, I also love swimming and cycling, fitness. my character is calm, shy, cheerful, kind ... I love to cook and make comfort in my house) video chat with woman

Qualities that I appreciate in people the most:

adequacy, cheerful, self-confident, honest, kindness

My goals for the future:

I want to finally be happy to have a big family

My travel destinations (past or future):

a lot of where

My favorite food:

I eat everything that smells good

My hobbies and what I'm good at:

my hobby, as you already understood, is skiing, I also love swimming and cycling, fitness

Talking about sports:

ski bike

You should message me if:

if you don't mind a girl with a baby


tourism - guide