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28 years old Ukraine Kharkov

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ID: 336114
Last seen: Month Ago
Yuliya 28 years old Ukraine Kharkov, European bride profile, step2love.com

Status: Bored

Looking for:

My chosen one can be anyone, I think I will feel this man, he must be with a good sense of humor, cheerful, one who is not alien to travel, all this would be fine, I wish to meet such a man on this Dating site. I like simple people who know what they want from life, if my young man will follow the fashion it will be great at all, lol.

About me:

Well, like people say about me, I'm fun and cheerful sometimes, lol. Almost always in life certainly is a lot of good moments. I turned to this Dating site to find my soul mate. I like to read, walk in the fresh air, I like to travel. I am a practical person who approaches all issues with responsibility, so I will work hard to find my soul mate and make my chosen one happy, I hope that we will have a good love story!

Qualities that I appreciate in people the most:

In people, I appreciate most of all a lively mind, a sense of humor, kindness and understanding.

My goals for the future:

My goals are a successful future, for me it is love, strong and trusting relationships that I can count on. Self-development career growth and travel. Creation of family.

My travel destinations (past or future):

Ukraine and Russia, it is in the present and the past, in the future I want to visit Germany, France, Italy, the United States, and a couple of the closest countries to my country.

I spend a lot of time thinking about (or my dream is):

I spend a lot of time reading, reading books, playing sports, spending time with friends and dreaming about future travels.

My favorite movies, books, music, shows:

Favorite TV series Game of Thrones, I love Spartacus, love the show Fargo. Books, the Saga of the Gods Bernard werber.

My favorite food:

Japanese cuisine

Pets in my life:


My hobbies and what I'm good at:

read books

Talking about sports:

That's fine!

The five things I can't live without:

air, water, clothes, food, people

You should message me if:

If you enjoy life and are interested in me


I work as a sales Manager at a wholesale firm. This work brings me pleasure, because every day I communicate with people. I definitely like people, I used to want to be a psychologist, so this job is almost the same.