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42 years old Ukraine Poltava

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ID: 436339
Last seen: Recently
Oksana 42 years old Ukraine Poltava, European bride profile, step2love.com

Status: What is the most important thing for you in a relationship?

Looking for:

Love has no age. She has no price or color. Love between two people is primarily about truth and trust. Without him, our relationship will not be successful. I'm not looking for the perfect man. I am looking for a man who is ready to take me with my cockroaches in my head. And I am ready to accept all the advantages and disadvantages of my man. I sincerely want to meet you and try to make our days together as happy as possible! I wish our family was our little kingdom full of love and understanding. Hope to meet you soon on this dating site)

About me:

Among the single women here, I would also like to find my love on this dating site! I am very romantic, and love is what I need in life - in order to receive and give. Love is what makes me happy in life, it is a precious gift given to us from heaven. A career cannot make us happy, truly satisfied. Love is what makes our life real. I would like to create a relationship with a loved one, when we can understand each other even without words, as if reading our thoughts. I wish our family was our little kingdom where we will always be happy. We will appreciate the time spent alone with each other. I love outdoor adventure, although sometimes I can relax with a good book or movie. I love to travel and my biggest dream is to visit many places around the world. Maybe we can do it together?

My hobbies and what I'm good at:

cooking, floriculture, fitness, cycling, horse riding, camping with tents, hiking, picking mushrooms, landscape design, visiting museums and exhibitions.

