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44 years old Ukraine Dnipro

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ID: 102643
Last seen: Few months ago
Aliya 44 years old Ukraine Dnipro, European bride profile, step2love.com

Status: How is your mood today dear ? Tell me *

Looking for:

an intellectual, trustworthy man who shares my style of life and interests. i value the sense of humor and positive attitude to life.

About me:

I love to dream .... but sometimes a dream should be a dream, beautiful and bright .... if you have a dream that easy to come true, it is probably nonsense, but not a dream .... i dont like to be too serious, since all the stupid things on the earth is committed just with such a serious expression on face .... just smile, everybody .... i love to do something spontaneous and extraordinary, because only those who take the absurd attempt is able to achieve the impossible ..... and i think that there is nothing absolutely wrong because even a broken clock twice a day shows the exact time .... so are you looking for Girl of Your Dream? you want to meet sexy Russian bride? I'm in chat room for single ... find me there