32 years old Ukraine Rovno
Looking for:
Life prtner
About me:
Smart tall girl with a good sense of humor
Qualities that I appreciate in people the most:
Caring, listening, loving
My goals for the future:
Become a good photographer
My travel destinations (past or future):
Paris London Australia
I spend a lot of time thinking about (or my dream is):
My job
My favorite movies, books, music, shows:
Books about animals, nature. Film based on real events good quiet music
My favorite food:
Pets in my life:
My hobbies and what I'm good at:
My hobbies are photographing nature, I really love the beautiful sky, plants, I really love animals.
Talking about sports:
The five things I can't live without:
books, sports, camera, friends
You should message me if:
decent man
supervisor in contact centre