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44 years old Ukraine Kiev

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ID: 305938
Last seen: Few months ago
Elena 44 years old Ukraine Kiev, European bride profile, step2love.com

Looking for:

I dream to find a kind, caring, strong and reliable man next to me whose embrace will make me feel like being at home. I need a man, with whom I can create happy and serious relationship. I want to fall in love, to give all myself to my beloved and to create a happy family together.

About me:

I've decided to start my search on this dating site because I believe that it is possible to find true love this way. I have many positive examples of this among my friends. I hope that I will get lucky too! I want to start serious and long-lasting relationship, which will lead to marriage. Speaking about myself, I can say that I am an open, positive and easy-going lady. I like communication with interesting people and I know how to be a good friend. I always have my own point of view but at the same time accept the existence of others, no matter whether I agree or disagree with them. I am good in finding compromises in any situation.

Qualities that I appreciate in people the most:

Honesty, kindness, understanding

My goals for the future:

To find my true love, to create a family and to have a simple happy life.

My travel destinations (past or future):

I dream to visit India, Bali, Caribbean and Cuba

I spend a lot of time thinking about (or my dream is):

My future

My favorite food:

Steak, pizza, sushi

You should message me if:

you miss a lady like me in your life! ;)

