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18 years old Ukraine Kiev

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ID: 1389524
Last seen: Last week
Dariia 18 years old Ukraine Kiev, European bride profile, step2love.com

Looking for:

It so happened that I didn’t have a good example of relationships and I learned relationships and romance from films, but I understand that in real life it will definitely not be like in films, but I would like my man to be kind and sensitive and treat me with the same warmth as it is shown in novels

About me:

It’s difficult to call me an open person, I prefer evenings at home than somewhere in a large and noisy company, I truly open up only to those whom I can trust and with whom I feel comfortable, which is why I am often considered shy and reserved... I have an easy-going character and I can find a common language with almost every person :)

Qualities that I appreciate in people the most:


My goals for the future:

Career and beloved man

My travel destinations (past or future):


I spend a lot of time thinking about (or my dream is):

own clinic

My favorite movies, books, music, shows:

The Shawshank Redemption

My favorite food:


Pets in my life:


Talking about sports:


You should message me if:

Looking for love

