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39 years old Ukraine Nikolaev

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ID: 220367
Last seen: Recently
Nataliya 39 years old Ukraine Nikolaev, European bride profile, step2love.com

Status: are you still alone?

Looking for:

I am looking for a man of modern views, courageous, skilled and cheerful, who loves brave ideas. A man who knows how to be sensual and passionate in relationships.

About me:

I am a young positiveminded, creative and responsible girl. I love an active lifestyle. I like to experiment, to learn something new for selfdevelopment and the opening my femininity. I often like to change a hobby. I love to attend seminars on selfdevelopment and reading the psychological literature. I love camping with my friends, enjoy photography, love fashion, i was interested of belly dance and yoga. My dream is to learn how to play tennis.