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26 years old Ukraine Odessa

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ID: 354376
Last seen: Few months ago
Yuliya 26 years old Ukraine Odessa, European bride profile, step2love.com

Looking for:

I would like it to be a decent man, whom I will call the love of my life. I would like for him to have such qualities as romance and passion. I always dreamed of meeting a man who will respect me and care me so much. I want him not to have many bad habits and to share my active lifestyle. It will be great if we understand each other perfectly and will see our plans for the future equally!

About me:

I still believe that it is possible to meet the love of my life! That is why I turned to this online dating site to meet a man of my dreams. I am a pretty wise woman despite my young age. I am close to family values and the understanding that a man is the head of the family. I would like to meet a man to have eternal love with him, a lovely family and big plans for the future for the two of us!

Qualities that I appreciate in people the most:

Kindness and determination

My goals for the future:

A family

My travel destinations (past or future):


I spend a lot of time thinking about (or my dream is):


My favorite movies, books, music, shows:


My favorite food:


Pets in my life:


My hobbies and what I'm good at:


Talking about sports:


The five things I can't live without:

Love, family, friendship, sea, music

You should message me if:

I still believe that it is possible to meet the love of my life!


HR Manager