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47 years old Ukraine Kiev

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ID: 102512
Last seen: Few months ago
Liliya 47 years old Ukraine Kiev, European bride profile, step2love.com

Looking for:

i like interesting men and i have always thought that the appearance is not the most important thing in the choice of a life. i am looking for a man who can make me feel protected and safe by his side, who would be able to catch me every time i fall and who can appreciate my feelings for him and care about me. i i am looking for a long-term relationship. for me, the most important thing in a partner is someone who shares my interests. i am attracted to the reliable and faithful types, someone who would be completely devoted to me and i am to him. in other words, my significant half, my only one, i am sure, he is somewhere out there waiting for me just like i am waiting for him.

About me:

i am so romantic and an easy-going person, i am not so perfect but i am funny i can always appreciate a good joke and never afraid to laugh at myself. i do not like to put somebody into hot water and i am waiting from my partner the same. i like to chat with friends and i cant say i ever get tired of spending time with them, i love helping people and always believe in the good inside of them. i am active whether it is a night out or a busy working day, i am full of energy. my perfect night out would be an evening followed by champagne in the moonlight or coffee.