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35 years old Slovenia

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ID: 117667
Last seen: Few months ago
Valentina 35 years old Slovenia , European bride profile, step2love.com

Status: Looking for my love...

Looking for:

YOU.. yes you my dear and no need wondering, because I am sure real relations begin from friendship. You are interesting, active and strong willing, willing to open smth new in your life, discover it with me . You have good sense of humor and I will show my smiles only for him. You will never make me feel bored and make my heart beating with 1000 beats at one second, so in this way i would give you more than you can imagine, more than 100 ... just for you

About me:

I'M beautiful women. caring, loving and always ready to help people in any situation. I am very honest girl, so you must be hunest with me too

Qualities that I appreciate in people the most:

honest people with a big heart


Chef cook