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27 years old Ukraine Kharkov

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Name Photo Identity Date Of Birth Residential Address Telephone Number
ID: 231914
Last seen: Month Ago
Anastasiya 27 years old Ukraine Kharkov, European bride profile, step2love.com

Status: do you have secrets?

Looking for:

I'm looking for a man you can trust with your innermost dreams and fantasies that will understand me and will take the lead. I'm ready to follow a real and honest man to the end of the world. I'm looking for strong and caring hands for my beautiful legs and everything else)) I just want a love that will cover us completely and erase all boundaries. Is it much or little for you?

About me:

Welcome to my world, a mysterious stranger! My life, as well as myself, simple, airy and cozy. Look at me and you'll understand that I'm cute and fluffy kitten. Communicate with me at least 5 minutes and you'll see that I'm not just an empty wrapper and beautiful women who looking relationship only for fun but I have something wise, mature and intriguing. Be ready, it would be interesting) Lets meet in video online chat and you will see that I am not kidding)

My hobbies and what I'm good at:

GYM, light athletics