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27 years old Ukraine Cherkassy

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ID: 464545
Last seen: Recently
Svetlana 27 years old Ukraine Cherkassy, European bride profile, step2love.com

Looking for:

I dream of a kind, reliable, and caring man. I want you to protect and protect me. That you would support any of my undertakings, and not criticize me for my every decision. I want you to trust me because this is the basis of any relationship. In return for all this, I promise you that I will be a caring and faithful wife. I will meet you every evening at home with a smile on my face and a warm dinner on the table. I will be your support and support in any life situation. I will love you with all my heart. I will only belong to you.

About me:

My name is Svetlana. My name means light I am a gentle and dreamy girl. I love the flowers. When I was little, I helped my grandmother in the yard, together we loved to plant and take care of flowers. At the moment I work as an operator-consultant in an online store, but my dream is to open a flower shop where I will sell our flowers with my grandmother. I am doing everything to make my dream come true! I believe that I came to this world to give love to all living things. I swim a lot and go to the pool, as well as play volleyball and basketball. I like to give people a smile, at these moments I feel especially needed by this world. I love life in all its forms. I want to take everything from this life! And share it all with your beloved husband. And I hope my husband wants that too.