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49 years old Ukraine Nikolaev

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ID: 131261
Last seen: Last month
Alla 49 years old Ukraine Nikolaev, European bride profile, step2love.com

Looking for:

I would like to meet a man who is truly ready to get married and to start a family. A man who can share equally and believes in true love and believes in communication as being important to a relationship.

About me:

My friends call me positive woman! I think it’s me! My positive energy seeks for turning to a family where I shall pay all my attention to my close people and make my home the most wonderful and comfortable. I find pleasure in simple romance. I like holding hands in warm and nice atmosphere, watching the licks of fire dance on the walls, and looking into the eyes of the man who is my dearest and most beloved person in the whole white world.

My hobbies and what I'm good at:

I have various hobbies – I like sport, especially tennis or swimming. When I was younger I was used to play basketball. I like reading, especially Russian classics! I like music, especially nice romantic songs! I like to cook, especially favorite dishes of my family! I like to help people. I like to make my life nice and interesting, full of only good moments and impressions

