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59 years old Ukraine Kirovograd

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ID: 102623
Last seen: Few months ago
Nataliya 59 years old Ukraine Kirovograd, European bride profile, step2love.com

Looking for:

are you active? arent you scared to be always in motion? are you ready to leave your favourite sofa and go to different places? if you answer yes, i can be definitely your destiny. i want to have a man who will take care of me...generous...who is established in life already and knows what he wants from life and from the relationships...with a good sense of humor...active and eager to enjoy this life and share this joy with me his be-loved...

About me:

you met a very easy-going and joyful woman. i am very active and never sit at one place doing nothing. travelling takes my free time. when it is a vacation i go to mountaines or to the river bank. i do not like lazy rest, smile. if i am near water, i do not simply lay in the sun, but swim, dive, sail. travelling is my passion because it gives me an opportunity to see new places and feel their atmosphere and energy. in my job i am a very ambitious person and make all possible efforts to reach my goal. in relationships i am loyal and faithful...i am a leader along the life but with man i want to feel a woman in all senses of this word...want to feel care, respect, passion...and answer with the same.