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48 years old Ukraine Cherkassy

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ID: 249058
Last seen: Month Ago
Lyudmila 48 years old Ukraine Cherkassy, European bride profile, step2love.com

Looking for:

I am looking for man who is ready for serious relations and who is not looking for a young girl for entertainment. He has to be kind and well-educated. I hope he will be cheerful like me and we will find a lot of common things. To make love at evening, cook together, share a life and to be confident in each other.

About me:

A woman who is hungry for love and who is ready for romantic adventure with her only one man!!! I just want to find my love here - and no compromises!! I am romantic girl who likes to create romantic atmosphere in relations. I think that in relations you have not just take something from your partner but to give. And I am ready to give all my care, love and attention.