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58 years old Ukraine Ivano-Frankivs'k

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ID: 1377764
Last seen: Now
Anjelika 58 years old Ukraine Ivano-Frankivs'k, European bride profile, step2love.com

Status: Hello from new lady here) who is free still here?

Looking for:

I am looking for a charismatic man, kind, who radiates confidence that cannot be ignored. And his presence fills the room with energy and positivity, and people and animals are always drawn to him. And his kindness is manifested in small gestures of care and support, and he always finds time for those he cares about. Cheerful and cheerful, he knows how to joke and laugh even in difficult situations. His laugh is contagious and he easily finds a common language with other people. This man also appreciates a healthy lifestyle, plays sports, and watches his diet.

About me:

I'm crazy in a good way. Kind, sincere, positive, cheerful, loves humor, animals, looks good, loves sports, proper nutrition, a woman who gives joy and light to everyone around. A loving mother, grandmother and friend who is always ready to support, hug, share joys and all adversities. I am happy because I know that life is a gift and I appreciate every moment of it.

Qualities that I appreciate in people the most:

frankness, kindness, keeping one's word

My goals for the future:

Goals - self-development

My travel destinations (past or future):

I love it, I have been to Egypt, Turkey, Bulgaria, Germany, Romania, the Czech Republic, Poland, I would like to visit at least all European countries

I spend a lot of time thinking about (or my dream is):

The dream is to travel the world, charity, to create an ideal space for yourself and your partner

My favorite movies, books, music, shows:

Luciano Povorti - music, saxophone, piano, violin, Honest Courtesan movie, One plus one Movie, smell of a woman too

My favorite food:

Hard cheese, avocado, cherry

Pets in my life:

Cat Shanelka

My hobbies and what I'm good at:

Dancing, reading, swimming, walking in the fresh air, cycling, needlework, planting flowers

Talking about sports:

Positive, volleyball, dancing, tennis

