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47 years old Ukraine Nikolaev

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ID: 100249
Last seen: Few months ago
Elena 47 years old Ukraine Nikolaev, European bride profile, step2love.com

Looking for:

i joined this website for one reason only to meet my perfect match. my man is kind, honest, faithful, down to earth, responsible, open minded. could be nice if he wants to share with me a part of my hobbies. i am hopeful that when i find him, he will know what he wants and pursues it as much as he wants to make me happy....there must be balance. and i hope he will be confident enough to be able to let me into the deepest recesses of his heart without fear that i will crush it, and know that instead i will treat it with tender care and compassion, sensitivity and understanding, love and respect.

My hobbies and what I'm good at:

my hobbies are playing tennis, golf, walking in the countryside, observing nature, traveling to meet new cultures and different countries. this will enrich my mind and spirit. also, i enjoy working out at the gym - i go almost every day or whenever i have some free time, and being in shape is important to me. i am also content to sit at home with a good book or movie, or even just good conversation. i am a dancer and it is not only my hobby, but the way i express my personality.