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24 years old Ukraine Lvov

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ID: 1031601
Last seen: Recently
Karina 24 years old Ukraine Lvov, European bride profile, step2love.com

Status: how would you take control of the moment?💋😘

Looking for:

From the successful experience of some friends of mine I understood that it is possible to find true love and to create happiness with a special man here on this site.I do not want to waste my time for relationships that won't lead to harmony and love,that is why I decided to try my luck here.We are the creators of our lives and happiness and it does not matter what is the age difference or distance between us.There is no right time to love and to be loved,so what wait for?

About me:

Despite my young age I have an accurate goals and firm values in my life.I like to learn and discover new areas of life - interesting books,inspiring nature,travels and warm talks with my friends.I believe that it is important to evaluate noy only physical beauty,but also to cherish our inner world.I successfully combine my job with university studies.

Qualities that I appreciate in people the most:

the ability to love with their heart open

My goals for the future:

get happier over and over again and share it with a special one

My travel destinations (past or future):

all over the world

My hobbies and what I'm good at:

exotic dances, travells, music

