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49 years old Ukraine Kiev

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ID: 203249
Last seen: Month Ago
Elena 49 years old Ukraine Kiev, European bride profile, step2love.com

Looking for:

As you know i'm slightly more than 20 years old now, so I need a wise and experienced man. I just need a calm, mature and level-headed gentleman, I dream about quiet family happiness! My head goes round when I meet a smart and courageous man ... Yes, it is my weakness and I'm willing to admit it! I search for a man who measures the age not in numbers, but in the enjoyable days when of his life. You are my match if you are ready for the biggest adventure of your life ) If you are trusting, caring and understanding.The one, who needs a real woman by your side and who can't live without everyday passion and home-made food!

About me:

I am simple down to Earth woman, who wants to be happy and wants to find her way in this life. My homeland gave me my core values and my character, my looks, but as for any bird, time came to leave the nest and fly into the wonderful world and explore it ) I still have time ) I am full of passion, and I want to be loved and cared about, I will give all of myself in return. I am not asking for too much, am I ? ) Maybe I can't stop a galloping horse, but I can cook a delicious Borscht! I know my happiness is out there somewhere, waiting for me .


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