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28 years old Ukraine Vinnitsa

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ID: 319628
Last seen: Few months ago
Ekaterina 28 years old Ukraine Vinnitsa, European bride profile, step2love.com

Looking for:

I want to meet a special man) I need a man who can love and be loved by me, who is really interested in me and who can keep calmness in any situations. Special for me. First of all, my man must be elder, wise, mature and strictly knows what he wants form life. There are a lot of men but only one is mine. We will feel this. We will understand each other without words. I am looking for a man to live with all my life and not just to spend and have fun with. But the most important for me is to meet man who has high family values. he should be smart and strong in all ways!

About me:

I am one of those single females, who sick marriage on dating sites. Nowadays many ukrainian girls are here,because they want to meet a nice man for themselves, so do I. I am positive girl, i try to find good things in bad situations. The most important for me is family! I am here because I want to find a good life partner for me, with whom i will built a strong family! I like to spent time at home, cooking, reading and watching interesting films. When out - of - doors, i like to go to picnics and to play tennis.

Qualities that I appreciate in people the most:

I appreciate such qualities as: loyalty, devotion, honesty, ability to love, empathize, Conscience, Respect for others, kindness, cheerfulness.

My goals for the future:

Now my goal is to find the man of my dreams, to have a happy family with him! have your own home with a beautiful lawn and lovely neighbors, it is possible to have pets) and I think about having some kind of my business, even if it is small! for example, I really like to knit things to order for people)

My travel destinations (past or future):

I would love to visit New York! but my now cherished desire to visit the Grand Canyon and see all its beauty)

My hobbies and what I'm good at:

I love to knit hats for people! it is now very fashionable) I also do not see my life without help to those in need! I often participate in charity!

Talking about sports:

Sport means a lot in my life! I love to run in the morning to have exercises, and go to the gym! squats and lunges my favorite exercises!

The five things I can't live without:

coffee   morning charge crispy croissant interesting book socializing with friends

You should message me if:

If you see a lot in common between us, or feel that I am a woman that you could love, then do not be shy, write me)