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33 years old Ukraine Nikolaev

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ID: 212793
Last seen: Month Ago
Elena 33 years old Ukraine Nikolaev, European bride profile, step2love.com

Looking for:

My future man will be my only one. I will love him and cherish him with all care that I have. I am looking for serious relationships and I am sure that I will find it. For me the basis of real relationships is trust that is why all I want from my future love is trust and respect. I want a real man, a man who can take care of his woman, who can protect her and live for her.

About me:

I am an intelligent woman with a quite attractive appearance. I am happy because I have a wonderful loving daughter, interesting job, true friends. In my free time I like swimming, painting, visiting art galleries, traveling and listening to music. However I feel that someone is missing in my life.