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29 years old Ukraine Nikolaev

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ID: 226788
Last seen: Month Ago
Tatyana 29 years old Ukraine Nikolaev, European bride profile, step2love.com

Looking for:

I want my man to know that I am always there to help him and to care for him and our family, unconditionally, no matter what happens, and I mean no matter what happens. Creating a family atmosphere is so important. It is the rock on which we can all build a secure future. I know that my perfect match is somewhere close to me, no matter how far you are and no matter what you do, I wait for you

About me:

I don’t think I can tell you everything about myself here, but I’ll give it a try. I have always been a very mature and intelligent person; I think that is why I am looking for a serious relationship even though most people my age are not. I hope you have a good sense of humor because I am funny and I like to laugh most of the time I am a romantic heart, spiritual and a lady with a kind heart. I love to smile and to joke around and my friends say that my smile is infectious.

My hobbies and what I'm good at:

I enjoy sports. I like to play tennis; I also jog, bicycle, and kayak, among other things. Of course sometimes I prefer to just relax someplace peaceful. I like to read books. For the most part I read nonfiction; history, science, and aviation. Speaking of aviation, one of my dreams is to get a pilot’s license. I have flown an airplane before and it is a lot of fun! Also I jumped with a parachute and I can tell that was just amazing!! I like to watch TV and Movies and listen to music. I listen to a variety of music. I listen to rock bands like: Linkin Park, Lacuna Coil, and Three Days Grace. I also enjoy classical symphonies by composers like: Wagner, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, and Mozart. Sometimes I listen to music from the 1950’s and 1960’s too.


By my profession I am an officer and physical training teacher, so I can be firm and strict sometimes too, but mostly I am kind. ;)