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35 years old Ukraine Dnipro

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ID: 158999
Last seen: Month Ago
Elena 35 years old Ukraine Dnipro, European bride profile, step2love.com

Looking for:

It is a great luck in life, to find the person at whom it is pleasant to look, interestingly to listen, to sincerely laugh and look forward to meetings. I want to have such man in my life!

About me:

I like life in all its beauty. Even if sometimes it brings me unpleasant surprises, I try to stay optimistic. I try not to focus on trifles. Life is as a camera lens. It is focused only on the necessary things. And my main focus now in life is love. More true search of love. I am a good humoured, very responsible, hard working and emotional person. I like creativity and appreciate this trait in others. My hobby is dance. I have been go-go dancing , strip plastic , and pole dance . Our dance team called " Butterfly " . We often go to competitions in other cities and win there))) I love going to the movies either alone or with friends. I want to visit several cities in which I have not been yet. I love to cook, relax with friends.